27 research outputs found


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    This paper aims at describing the phenomenon of the development of language and culture of names in Indonesia especially of those new names that have been being talked about in both print and electronic media in Indonesia these recent months. One of those names is Andy Goes To School. The data were obtained from both print and electronic media in Indonesia. The data of names that were assumed being new were then paid attention to, noted down, categorized and elucidated. The development of languages and cultures was based on the forms, semantical meaning, and the language used in the names.The analysis results show that the development of languages and cultures for naming exist in Indonesian society. The development of the languages and cultures in the names could be seen from the forms, semantical meanings and the language style used in the names. This kind of development is more unique compared to the development of languages and cultures in naming in Germany society (as a comparison)


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    Tulisan ini bermaksud membahas keunikan konstruksi nama diri dalam masyarakat Jawa dan masyarakat Jerman, sebagai upaya kesalingpahaman dan menghormati antar budaya. Tujuan praktis dari penulisan mengenai hal di atas adalah memberikan penjelasan argumentatif sebagai dasar pemahaman bahwa setiap budaya yang dimiliki suatu masyarakat memiliki cara sendiri dalam mengatur kehidupannya melalui bahasa . Dalam hal ini, aturan yang dianut masyarakat Jawa dan masyarakat Jerman terkait dengan kosa kata atau elemen yang dipakai dalam penciptaan nama membawa konsekuensi logis bagi masing-masing budaya masyarakat pada konstruksi nama diri tersebut. Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas dijaring data mengenai nama Jawa di lingkungan Fakultas Bahasa Seni FBS. Nama Jawa yang terkumpul berjumlah seribu nama. Nama Jawa tersebut disandang oleh mahasiswa, dosen dan karyawan. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis mengenai jumlah kata dan komponen nama diri untuk menemukan variasi konstruksi yang dibentuk nama Jawa. Adapun pembahasan mengenai konstruksi nama Jerman akan didasarkan pada kajian pustaka, antara lain dari hasil penelitian Seibicke (1991), Gerhards (2003), Nϋbling (2009). Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya keunikan konstruksi nama diri masyarakat Jawa dan Jerman. Salah satu hasil analisis yang sangat kentara adalah bahwa nama Jawa dapat dibentuk oleh hanya satu kata atau elemen, baik itu nama yang disandang oleh laki-laki maupun perempuan. Adapun nama Jerman minimal dibentuk oleh dua nama atau dua elemen, yaitu Vorname ‘nama depan’ dan Familienname ‘nama keluarga’. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk sarana memahami budaya bangsa lain, sehingga cross culture understanding dapat berlangsung. Dengan demikian, semangat untuk saling menghormati budaya bangsa lain pun diharapkan berlangsung dengan baik

    Variasi fonologis pemakaian Bahasa Jawa di pusat kota dan Daerah pinggiran bagian utara Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Kabupaten Grobogan adalah kabupaten yang wilayahnya terletak di Propinsi Jawa Tengah, kurang lebih 64 km ke arah timur dari ibu kota Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sarana Transportasi yang menghubungkan wilayah ini dengan ibu kota Propinsi dan wilayah-wilayah yang lain relatif baik dan lancar, sehingga arus komunikasi berlangsung dengan baik pula. Demikian pula mobilitas penduduk berfrekuensi tinggi dari satu daerah ke daerah lain, kecuali penduduk di daerah-daerah pedesaan di pinggiran bagian utara. Hal ini disebabkan oleh letak daerah-daerah ini sangat terpencil dan belum terjangkau transportasi umum. Keadaan sosial penduduk yang relatif miskin, menyebabkan tidak terbelinya kendaraan pribadi, bahkan juga sepeda, yang bisa menjadi sarana transportasi penduduk. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan penduduk cenderung hanya berkisar di daerahnya atau paling jauh di daerah tetangg

    Palestine and Israel Representation in the National and International News Media: A Critical Discourse Study

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    Despite a myriad of studies that have been reported in analysing media discourse, few works take into account media bias. In response to this empirical gap, the present critical discourse study (CDS) aims to expose how the biggest national and international news media, The Jakarta Post and The New York Times construct the media bias in depicting Palestine and Israel regarding the latest conflicts in 2019 and 2020. The transitivity system of Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics (SFL) was adopted to examine the textual features or choice of words in the clauses of 4 news articles from each news media. The findings show that both mainstream media have similarities, as if more favors to Palestine as the victim of the conflicts rather than Israel as a war criminal nation.  However, The Jakarta Post and The New York Times have different sensitivities in constructing media bias. This empirical evidence suggests that critical discourse analysis (CDA) has a pivotal role in comprehending language used in media discourses. The last but not least, combining CDA and another theoretical approach is suggested for future studies


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    This action research study attempts to (1) improve students' participation in Freier Vortrag II, (2) improve students' motivation, (3) improve students' initiatives to speak in German in front of public, and (4) improve students' achievement in Freier Vortrag II. The research subjects were students of semester seven first enrolled in the academic year of 2000/2001 attending Freier Vortrag II in the German Language Education Study Program, the Faculty of Languages and Arts, the Yogyakarta State University. The data were collected through observations, interviews, questionnaires, and a test of Freier Vortrag II. The study was conducted in the period of September-November 2004. The research steps included planning, action implementation, fact finding, and fact analysis. The study consisted of two cycles. Each cycle comprised planning, action, observation, and reflection. The first cycle included lecturers' intensive guidance to make students well equipped with the materials for Freier Vortrag II in German. The students made maximum use of the guidance; 100% students used the guidance once, 76% twice, 16% three times, and 8% four times. The second cycle included lecturers intensive guidance and a psychologist's mental guidance and a public speaking practitioner's guidance to make students not nervous when they made presentations in German in front of public. The findings show that students' awareness to be actively involved in Freier Vortrag II improves. Their performance during the presentation on the tourism theme shows that they have a good motivation, their media are sufficient, and they master the materials to be presented in German. Therefore, it can be concluded that this action research study is successful. This can be seen from the process and product aspects. From the process aspect, the actions in the study are able to create an atmosphere conducive to the teaching-learning process, improve students' participation in the course, and enhance students' motivation in Freier Vortrag II. From the product aspect, the study is able to improve students' academic achievement. This is shown by the increase in their achievement. There are 24% students obtaining A, 50% obtaining B, and only 26% obtaining 26%


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    This study aims to reveal the meaning and reality of the philosophy of "Alam Takambang jadi Guru" as a view of life of the Minangkabau people and the implications and efforts to maintain this philosophy through literature review. This research method is qualitative research using descriptive methods. This research is naturalistic because it is carried out in natural conditions through social observation and literature review based on the latest theories and research results. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that several things, namely (1) the philosophy of "Alam Takambang Jadi Guru" has an important meaning for the Minangkabau community that nature is not just a place to live and develop, but as a source of lifelong learning and nature as a gift from God Almighty, (2 ) the philosophy of "Alam Takambang jadi Guru" has implications for both formal and non-formal education in the life of the Minangkabau community, and (3) efforts to maintain the philosophy of "Alam Takambang jadi Guru" can be carried out through culture experience and culture knowledge

    How do foreign language teachers motivate students in language learning?

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    Motivation is one of the keys to success in the language learning process. It is a crucial factor for students in learning a foreign language, and the teachers’ ways to motivate students are also essential. This study aims to investigate language teachers’ ways in motivating students in learning foreign languages. The participants in this study are eight foreign language teachers including English, Arabic, and French teachers. Data were collected through open-ended questionnaires with the teachers. The results of this study showed that most of the foreign language teachers motivated the students in learning a foreign language by sentences (verbal) and this method encouraged students’ instrumental motivation. Next, referring to the time of motivation, four teachers motivated the students at the beginning of each learning process, meanwhile three teachers gave motivations at the beginning and at the end of each learning process. Finally, referring to the types of motivation, only two teachers (i.e. French teachers) could identify motivation types of learners, which are in the form of internal, external, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation. Meanwhile, other teachers (i.e. English and Arabic teachers), did not mention specifically the names of the motivation types that they knew. To conclude, most of the teachers of this study did not motivate their students maximally in the classrooms. Consequently, this study offers some methods to motivate learners in learning foreign languages, those are the Verbal Method (VM1) and the Visual Method (VM2), and they are further discussed in the paper

    Form and function of negation in German and Indonesian: Searching for equivalent construction of meaning

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    This study analysed form and function of negation in German including the complexity of negation construction in German and its equivalence in Indonesian language. This study was qualitative in nature, describing the nature of negation in German and Indonesian language in two books: Carolin Philipps’ German novel, Traume Wohnen Überall, and Liliawati Kurnia’s translation into Indonesian, Mimpi Selalu Indah as an instance of the negation realization in texts. The validity of the data was determined by experts’ judgment and the reliability of the data by interrater and intrarater estimation. The data were analysed by using a correspondential method with a referential sorting technique involving reference to negation construction as a determiner, and a distributional method with an element distribution technique and a marker reading technique. The analysis indicates that there are six negation forms with respective meanings in German characterized by semantic similarity along with grammatical differences in the negation constructions in German and Indonesian. The findings show that German negation construction is considerably more complex. However, the different degree of complexity does not substantially influence the meaning making process in both languages; rather. tend to be mutually complementary. The findings of this study inform the way in which the meaning transfer of German-Indonesian and Indonesian-German should be made regardless of the complex negation in German

    Embedding Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) into English for specific purposes curriculum for vocational high school

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    English is agreed upon as the standard language of communication throughout the world, including Indonesia. With this, teaching and learning English should be an integral part of the national education system in Indonesia because of the importance of English globally. One of the curricula in Indonesia that focuses on teaching English for Vocational High Schools (VHS) is English for Specific Purposes (ESP), where students learn English according to their needs and fields of interest. With the existence of this ESP as well as a variety of teaching methods and approaches, there is one approach that is considered truly effective in teaching this ESP program, namely the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. This study aims to explore a set of literature to clarify the CLIL approach and determine if the evidence shows benefits in implementing the approach into the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) curriculum. The paper took a literature review approach and explored ten articles selected with specific criteria of being published within 2014-2020. The literature shows that the implementation of CLIL does have a positive output toward the teaching and learning process, especially for those who take English for specific purposes, such as in vocational high schools. The approach improves the linguistics aspects and the non-linguistic aspect or the students' soft skills, such as high order thinking skills, problem-solving, enhanced communication, intercultural awareness, and motivation in learning. However, to meet the success of the implementation of CLIL in the ESP curriculum, some considerations and special requirements are needed. The two distinctive preparation are the syllabus for the curriculum and the readiness of human resources; the teachers. Before applying the CLIL, the two factors mentioned need mechanisms that will support the success of CLIL for the ESP curriculum in vocational high schools. The writer proposes a model to be implemented if the curriculum for vocational high schools is going to apply CLIL. Yet, it needs more researches in the future to make sure whether the model works well or needs more improvements

    What is maaf for in the Indonesian language? A study of its use in written sources

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    Apologizing, commonly, contains the word ‘sorry’ for the English language and other languages, has the meaning of ‘feeling regret or penitence’. In the Indonesian language, ‘sorry’ is similar to the word ‘maaf’. The study focuses on the use of ‘maaf’ in the Indonesian language. Its primary aim is to find out the functions of ‘maaf’ in the Indonesian language. The subject of this study is written data which is from three Indonesian novels. Meanwhile, the object is the functions of the use of the word ‘maaf’. Reading attentively method was used in collecting data specifically in noting technique. The technique used for data analysis is pragmatic (identity) method. The researchers used the framework by Kimura (1994) combined with Pratiwi and Hilaliyah (2018) in analyzing the functions of ‘maaf’ in the Indonesian language. Based on the analysis, it was found that the function of ‘maaf’ in the Indonesian language are for regret (63 occurrences) as the most used in the novels, followed by attention-getter (five occurrences), closing (four occurrences), request (three occurrences), and mocking or teasing (two occurrences ) as the least used function. Generally, the characters in the novel were displayed to produce apologies in different ways, depending on power (i.e. employee to employer), relationships (i.e. a nephew to his aunt, between friends), age (i.e. same age, young to old, and vice-versa) and situation (i.e. approaching strangers). These different ways bear various functions of ‘maaf’ in their conversations. The article further elaborates on the results and provides recommendations for future research in related studies